IELTS 7+ Intensive

IELTS 7+ Intensive preparation course

You need IELTS Band 7+ and you need it fast? You have taken the IELTS exam and always got more or less the same score? If this is true for you, then our brand new IELTS Band 7+ Intensive preparation course is the right solution for you! 
You probably wonder why. The answer is simple: IELTS Band 7+ takes you from the Intermediate level straight to the Advanced level in one month’s time. 
You probably wonder how. The answer is simple again: IELTS Band 7+ provides you with thorough preparation in every single skill being tested, as well as with 2 full mock tests.  
Our team of experienced teachers will make sure you are ready for the exam in no time! Time is money, and money invested in IELTS Band 7+ is money well-spent, which will eventually save you a lot of time! Apply today!
  • for USA, UK, AU, or Canadian University admission
  • for job certification
  • for immigration purposes
  • for improving General English 
What does the course include?
  • 20 full sessions (80 hours of high-quality instruction)
  • class materials
  • two complete mock tests (weeks 2 and 4)
  • lifelong access to Cambridge library